Books & Music

Your Unique Industry Challenges

  • Competition from online retailers and department stores that heavily discount books
  • Increased popularity of e-readers like Kindle are further impacting profit margins for book stores
  • Extensive range of new and backlist books (print and digital) and music CDs and DVDs, requires ability to search on ISBN no, author, artist, publisher, and category
  • Managing your supply chain can be challenging when dealing with different publishers’/distributors’ terms

Retail Management for Books Stores & Music Stores
CONTROL for book stores and music stores is a point of sale and management system that will simplify and automate complex retail requirements, and provides the following benefits:

  • Lets you effectively compete with online retailers via CONTROL's Online Store integrated into your bricks and mortar operations.
  • Helps you better compete with large department stores  and increase sales via targeted and relevant promotions with integrated Customer Relationship Management (CRM).
  • Enables fast and effective customer enquiries via sophisticated search capabilities.
  • Allows easy scanning and tracking of book sales at point of sale via ISBN number.
  • Can easily trade with publishers via EDI capability.
  • Enables super-efficient supply chain with integrated pos, inventory management and replenishment modules.

For more detailed information on CONTROL for bookstores and music stores, download PDF now.
CONTROL for Book retailers and Music retailers comes with comprehensive pos system functionality as well as sophisticated backend features. Click here to find out more.
If you would like an obligation-free quotation of CONTROL, go here.
CONTROL is fast to implement and easy to use. Contact us today about your requirements.